COVID-19 Update
Thank you all for your continued patience and unwavering support of Inn at Village Square as we continue to maintain the highest safety protocols to protect the health and safety of our residents and staff. In an effort to support residents visiting with families and friends safely, we are allowing outdoor visitations. Please make note of the following required guidelines for these visits so that we may keep everyone safe and healthy:
- Visits will take place outdoors and are weather dependent.
- Visits must be scheduled in advance by contacting Julie Perkins at JPerkins@InnatVillageSquare.org or 207-839-5101.
- A minimum of six feet physical distance between residents and visitors throughout the visit.
- Use of appropriate face coverings by all.
- All visitors will be screened for symptoms.
- Hand hygiene practices are in place.
- No more than 2 visitors per resident per visit.
- Visits will be monitored by a member of the staff.
- Maximum of three residents may receive visitors at one time.
Your compliance with these guidelines allows us to host these visits while keeping our community safe. Thank you!