Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply?
You will receive an application at the time of the tour, or by mail, which requests medical as well as financial information. At some point during this process, we will meet with the prospective resident. (Alternate arrangements may be made if the prospective resident currently resides out-of-state.)
How long is the waiting list?
Our waiting list for MaineCare residents (residents that are covered by MaineCare) is very long, often several years.
Inn at Village Square is licensed for 37 residents, 20 of which may be covered by MaineCare. We are restricted from admitting additional residents whose payment source is MaineCare once our licensed capacity has been reached.
What happens if I am admitted as Private Pay and my money runs out and I go on MaineCare?
Are you staffed 24 hours a day?
How is the food?
Nearly everything we serve is made in our own spacious kitchen by our cooks who truly care that our residents are pleased with each meal. We are always receiving compliments by residents and visitors, and have earned a reputation for having excellent food.